The Basics of Hyperbaric Therapy

Longevity Effect
2 min readNov 6, 2023


Hyperbaric therapy, also known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy and abbreviated as HBOT or HBO is a method of delivering extra oxygen into the body mainly through the process of increasing the pressure that the body is normally under.

In terms of hyperbaric therapy, pressure is most quantified in ATA (atmospheres absolute) or PSI (pounds per square inch). In our usual day-to-day living environment, we experience around 1 atmosphere of pressure. When someone undergoes hyperbaric therapy, the pressure becomes greater than 1.0 ATA.

Most hyperbaric centers treat patients at pressures between 1.1 ATA and 3.0 ATA. The increased pressure allows oxygen to dissolve and saturate more effectively in the blood system, primarily the plasma (independent of hemoglobin/red blood cells), which yields a broad variety of positive physiological, biochemical, and cellular effects. This non-invasive therapy is the most medically accepted way to increase oxygen levels to all organs of the body.

Is It Safe?

Hyperbaric therapy is safe, particularly when applied at lower pressures, using FDA-approved equipment, and following proper operating guidelines and regulations. Note, that oxygen toxicity and adverse reactions are rare and pertain more to clinical applications in hospital settings, where patients are delivered a much higher dosage due to acute and life-threatening conditions.

Typical Applications

The typical application that has demonstrated clinical efficacy and safety is 60–90 minute sessions, once or twice per day, 5 days per week for 40 sessions. The benefits of hyperbaric therapy have been demonstrated outside of the ‘traditional’ 40-session protocol.

mHBOT (Mild Hyperbaric Therapy)

Consists of entering a hyperbaric chamber and experiencing a 30 percent increase in pressure, equaling 1.3 ATA or 10 feet below sea level. This therapy and pressure are the highest approved by the FDA for soft-sided chambers and allow for an exceptionally safe increase in tissue oxygen levels. Mild hyperbaric therapy elevates the oxygen levels of the blood plasma in the body which results in increased oxygen flow into the tissues of the body and brain.

Ambient Air or Supplemental Oxygen?

Traditionally, HBOT is defined as breathing 100% oxygen under pressure. However, ambient air still contains 21% oxygen, and when you breathe it under pressure, more oxygen will get transferred into the body. (At Longevity Effect, we use an oxygen concentrator to get roughly 94% oxygen in our chambers.) More importantly, the extra oxygen enters the blood plasma and gets oxygen into much deeper areas and in places where red blood cells cannot normally reach.

Off-Label Indications and Uses

Many doctors and clinical researchers in the field of hyperbaric medicine believe that HBOT helps many more conditions beyond the 14 FDA-approved indications and greatly improves the quality of life of those using HBOT for “off-label” uses. These include autism, anti-aging, cancer, concussion, diabetes, general health and wellness, mental health, neurology, sports performance and recovery, traumatic brain injury, and many more.



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