Ten Primary Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Longevity Effect
5 min readJul 31, 2023


Photo by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash

Today, we are going to take a deeper dive into the wonderful realm of using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to harness the healing power of oxygen. Now there are many different types of HBOT, but today we are going to be focusing on mild-grade HBOT, also known as soft chambers. These particular chambers are typically operating around 1.3 ATA (or about 4 psi), which is similar to going up into an airplane or taking about a 10-foot diver underwater.

This post is influenced by a great book by Dr. Jason Sonners we are all currently reading called ‘Oxygen Under Pressure: Using Hyperbaric Oxygen to Restore Health, Reduce Inflammation, Reverse Aging, and Revolutionize Health Care’. Dr. Sonners has become one of the leading voices in the Hyperbaric space and is chock-full of so much wisdom.

In the book, Dr. Sonners references 10 primary benefits that HBOT provides, which will be broken down in more detail below. The primary benefits are:

  1. Increased oxygen perfusion
  2. Neovascularization
  3. Increased white blood cell function
  4. Nerve healing factors
  5. Wound healing
  6. Stem cell release
  7. Vasoconstriction
  8. Mitochondrial healing
  9. Anti-inflammatory
  10. Anti-microbial/microbiome balancing

Now you may be thinking, “That’s cool and all, but what about XYZ conditions”. Dr. Sonners goes on to highlight that it is via these main 10 mechanisms mentioned above, that healing for over 100 other indications can be achieved. To put it more simply, the 10 primary benefits of HBOT, can help, improve, and heal more than 100 secondary issues. WOW!

Oxygen is a fundamental necessity for life. Every cell in our body uses and needs oxygen to not only perform its daily tasks but also to heal and recover from the variety of stressors, injuries, and challenges they continuously face. Oxygen is natural, and our body uses it every second of every day. In an injured, sick, dysfunctional cell, a surplus of oxygen will help provide the cell with an increased capacity to heal, recover, and produce the necessary energy for its performance. In an already healthy cell, this same surplus will allow for an increase in performance and ability…

More oxygen equals a higher capacity to heal and regenerate, make cellular energy, and perform. -Dr. Jason Sonners — Oxygen Under Pressure

Now let’s analyze the ten primary benefits in detail

Increased Perfusion

Perfusion refers to the blood flow, or other fluid through the blood vessels to tissues and organs. Whenever our bodies are within a pressurized environment such as HBOT, the ability to absorb and utilize more oxygen is increased exponentially. These combined factors increase the perfusion of oxygen within our entire bodies. More oxygen = more healing.


The natural formation of new blood vessels. Injuries and local inflammatory issues are almost always due to a lack of oxygenation in the area.

By helping rebuild the capillary network, the body can continue oxygenating damaged and inflamed tissues even after hyperbaric sessions have been completed.

Increased White Blood Cell Function

In chronic wounds where low oxygen levels are found, primarily due to inflammation, white blood cells are unable to get the proper amount of oxygen needed to do their jobs.

White blood cells are your body’s primary infection fighter, therefore by raising oxygen levels with hyperbaric, white blood cells get the fuel they need to track down and eliminate infection in the body.

Nerve Healing

All nerves require a relatively high amount of oxygen to function. A majority of neuropathy and nerve damage cases almost always are due to low levels of oxygen due to poor circulation or high levels of toxicity.

Oxygen supply is extremely essential for healing the nerves and supporting the removal of waste products, which HBOT has been shown to promote and improve both.

Wound Healing

Perhaps the most well-known benefit of HBOT. Low oxygen levels allow for uninterrupted inflammatory reactions and create an inviting environment for bacteria growth. Both of which are detrimental to the healing process of any wounds.

By increasing the pressure of oxygen with Hyperbaric, we are subsequently increasing the oxygen levels in the blood and tissues. Therefore, fighting infection/bacteria, and simultaneously accelerating the healing process of the wounds.

Stem Cell Release

One of the reasons we try to coach our clients and patients on the consistent use of HBOT is simple: The more sessions you do, the better the results.

An interesting study showed that after reaching 20+ hours of HBOT, the body starts releasing stem cells by roughly 8 times more than normal. This process releases from both the nervous system (which helps heal the nerve tissue and the brain) and from the bone marrow (which supports musculoskeletal issues).

Side note: Our at-home Hyperbaric rental is the easiest and most affordable way to get 20+ sessions done. A great option for the whole family.


Vasoconstriction, or the narrowing of blood vessels by small muscles in their walls, could reduce swelling in injured areas of the body.

There is some debate on whether or not this is counterintuitive since the goal is to increase oxygenation and constricting the blood vessels could hinder that slightly. However, since oxygen gets dissolved directly into the blood plasma, the amount of oxygen increase in the body is still extremely high.

Improved Mitochondrial Function

Symptoms of chronic disease are the effects of mitochondrial dysfunction, not the cause. The mitochondria, also known as the “powerhouses of the cell,” produces the energy necessary for the cell’s survival and functioning. If the mitochondria become damaged from illness and disease, various other cellular processes are affected in a very negative way.

With the increased oxygen in HBOT, the mitochondria can adapt and utilize all of the extra oxygen. This allows the mitochondria to produce more cellular energy known as ATP. Additionally, those that continue sessions, after 15–20+ hours, will reap the benefit of their mitochondria not only growing in size but also producing more (and better functioning) mitochondria.


Inflammation is the root cause of almost all chronic illnesses largely due to high levels of certain inflammatory cytokines (chemical messengers).

HBOT has been shown to decrease the number of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL2, IL8, and TNF Alpha) and enhance the number of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL10 and IL7) to improve the balance between the different chemicals. Ultimately leading to a significant decrease in systemic and localized inflammation.


Fun fact: there are more viruses, mold, fungus, and bacteria living on and in us, than we have cells in our body. A lot more, and some are good and some are bad.

Our good bugs such as probiotics are oxygen tolerant (aerobic), and most of the bad bugs (pathogens) inside of us thrive on low and sometimes no-oxygen environments (anaerobic). Therefore, by utilizing HBOT to increase oxygen levels exponentially in the blood and tissues you are supporting the healthy microbes to thrive while simultaneously killing off harmful pathogens.


In conclusion, the fascinating realm of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) opens a new world of healing possibilities by harnessing the remarkable power of oxygen.

We have the potential to transform our health and well-being, and as we delve further into the healing potential of oxygen with HBOT, let us embrace this natural and potent therapy to unlock the body’s inherent capacity for regeneration, energy production, and optimal performance.

With HBOT, we embark on a journey towards better health and well-being, making every breath we take a step closer to a healthier and more vibrant life.



Longevity Effect

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